Fortitude Fridays #14

Read Time: 5 mins

Interesting Thought:

“Character, like a photograph, develops in darkness”

-Yousuf Karsh

We are not built solely through moments of success or happiness, but forged through the challenges we face and the choices we make in times of darkness and difficulty.

Question to think about:

“Who needs me to show up right now?”

I find comfort in revisiting this question during moments of uncertainty, negative emotions, or when I feel unfocused. It serves as a powerful tool that compels me to step outside the confines of my own swirling thoughts and redirects my energy. The potential for human greatness in service to others is boundless, and this question empowers me to harness that potential, propelling me into action.

Although some may debate the merits of relying on this question for motivation, I have personally witnessed and experienced the profound impact it can have. Countless individuals, myself included, discover a heightened sense of focus when striving to better themselves for their children, prioritize their well-being to support their relationships, extend assistance to their employees, or offer guidance to clients. By embracing these external motivations, we tap into a fountain of determination and unlock the potential for extraordinary growth.

Extending our gaze beyond ourselves, finding purpose, and connecting with those we fight for unlocks untapped determination. Remind yourself of this question when you need to elevate focus, propel productivity, and achieve extraordinary outcomes.

How to Change: The Science of Getting from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be

By Katy Milkman

Katy Milkman is a renowned behavioral scientist and author who explores the science of behavior change. In her work, she emphasizes the importance of understanding human tendencies and biases to effectively promote positive change. Milkman suggests that small, incremental adjustments, known as "nudges," can have a significant impact on behavior. By designing environments that make desired actions more convenient and appealing, individuals can overcome barriers and achieve their goals.

“Research has proven time and again that rather than relying on willpower to resist temptation, we’re better off figuring out how to make good behaviors more gratifying in the short-term. Big payoffs far down the road just aren’t enough to keep us motivated.
Take Away: The book offers practical strategies to recognize and conquer prevalent obstacles to change, including impulsivity, procrastination, forgetfulness, while providing a science based blue print to enable individuals to achieve their goals effectively.

Tactic to Try: The 3-2-1-Sleep Routine for a Better Night’s Sleep

If I had a dollar every time I asked a patient or client “how's your quality of sleep?” and they responded “terrible” I would be a thousandaire. I talk about sleep and improving sleep quality frequently because it is a major area of frustration and source of fatigue for many people. There are many ways to help improve your sleep, however I have found a solid evening routine that might be helpful to catch some higher quality ZzZz.

If you struggle with finding a routine to improve your sleep, a good place to start is Brendon Burchard’s simple 3-2-1-Sleep routine:

3 Hours before Sleep: No Food

2 Hours before Sleep: No Work/Social Media/News

1 Hour before Sleep: No Screens of any kind


I have tried his routine, and I will admit that when I intentionally complete it, my quality of sleep is significantly better. This has been proven through the measurements recorded from my Garmin watch. I have monitored my sleep on and off for eight years, and tracking it nightly for over two. My Garmin Forerunner 245 captures my deep/REM/light sleep cycles, but I also look at my Body Battery (measurement of my energy reserves/recovery) and how much it has recharged overnight.

When completing the 3-2-1 Sleep routine, I have noticed significant improvements in the data captured while I sleep. There is a noticeable improvement in the duration/frequency of my sleep cycles, increase of recharge, and a significant change in how energized I feel upon waking.

Here is how it works:

Determine the time you want to be in bed asleep, this is crucial, then work backwards to determine your times. It may be helpful to set alarms on your phone to help remind you to stick to the time parameters.

  1. Set your bedtime, for example 10:30 pm.
  2. Three Hours before bed, stop eating/snacking if possible. The reason for this is because it will reduce reflux, digestion issues, or fullness that can lead to trouble sleeping. Digestion is work for the body, and doing this work while you are earlier in the evening and awake allows the body and brain to rest at the time you desire. This does not mean you should skip a meal/snack if needed, but striving for this time could help decrease potential issues from a full stomach. For our example this would be 7:30 pm.
  3. Two hours before bed stop working/viewing social media/watching the news. Work, social media and news can be stressful, or lead to negative feelings of frustration, anger, or sadness that can genuinely impact your ability to fall asleep or stay asleep. This would be 8:30 pm for our example.
  4. One hour before bed stop using screens of any kind. We are all guilty of going to check one thing or set an alarm and then 2 hours later we are watching random videos on the internet. Setting your alarm prior to this one hour, and using that time to set out your clothes for the next day, write down your to-dos, read a physical book (not an E-Book) stretch, meditate, or do some breath work can help relax and cue the body for sleep. This would be 9:30 pm for the example.

The great thing about this routine is the ability to customize the framework. You can make it work for you in way that is doable for your lifestyle. I have lengthened the time frames for me in some cases and I also added putting my phone on Do Not Disturb after 9 pm to reduce sensory input while prepping for sleep. The routine that can benefit you the most is the one you are able to stick to with ease.

If you struggle with getting good quality sleep give this a try and let me know how it has worked for you!

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a joyful weekend! Until next week...

You got this,

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