Fortitude Fridays #31

read time: 6 mins

A few ideas as you head into the weekend.

Today at a Glance:

  • Quote: Humanity's Common Thread.
  • Question: Hope in Challenging Times.
  • Book: The Book of Joy by the Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu & Douglas Carlton Abrams.
  • Tactic: The 75 Hard Challenge.



Quote to Ponder:

"Hope is the only good that is common to all men; those who have nothing else possess hope still."

-Thales (Greek Philosopher)

Hope is a universal human trait, transcending wealth, status, and background. It's a common thread binding humanity, offering strength and motivation during adversity. In challenging times, hope guides toward a brighter future, motivating determined progress.

​Even in the darkest moments, don't give up; remember to turn on the light of hope and keep fighting.


Question to Ask Yourself:

What are the things or experiences in your life that give you the most hope and inspire you to keep going, even in challenging times?

Understanding what gives you hope in challenging times is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Emotional Resilience: When you know what brings you hope, you can draw strength from those sources during tough times. This emotional resilience helps you cope with stress, anxiety, and uncertainty more effectively.
  2. Motivation: Hope acts as a powerful motivator. When you are aware of the things or experiences that inspire hope in you, it becomes easier to stay motivated and keep pushing forward in the face of obstacles.
  3. Decision-Making: Knowing your sources of hope can also impact your decision-making. It allows you to align your choices with your long-term goals and aspirations, making it more likely that your decisions will lead to positive outcomes.
  4. Positive Outlook: Recognizing your sources of hope encourages a positive outlook on life. This positivity not only helps you maintain better mental health but also influences how you approach challenges, often leading to more successful problem-solving.
  5. Sustaining Determination: When life presents challenges, individuals who know their sources of hope are better equipped to persevere. They can use those sources as anchors, reminding themselves of their goals and the potential for a better future.

To apply this knowledge throughout life, align your goals, maintain focus, seek support, and periodically reflect to ensure your aspirations and sources of hope remain in harmony. This empowers personal growth, resilience, and a greater chance of success and fulfillment.

My Answer: At my core, I'm an optimist. I believe in the inherent goodness of people and in the possibility of finding love when we actively seek it. Despite personal tragedies and the challenges I've faced as a nurse, my hope thrives within myself, family, friends, and the people I meet daily. My determination, bordering on stubbornness, refuses to let me give up on the world's goodness and light, even in its darkest moments.



Book to Read:

The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World

By Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu & Douglas Carlton Abrams

This was the first book I read in 2022, starting on January 1st, with the clear intention of setting a positive tone for the year. I couldn't help but think, "Who wouldn't want to learn how to cultivate more joy in their life from these two incredible humans?" I can confidently say that 'The Book of Joy' absolutely delivered on that promise, so much that I read it again this year.

Written by Douglas Abrams, this book emerges from a profound week-long conversation between two eminent spiritual leaders: the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Together, they explore the essence of joy in the face of adversity, drawing from their personal experiences, hardships, and their respective spiritual traditions of Buddhism and Christianity.

'The Book of Joy' delves into joy through the teachings of the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, addressing obstacles, introducing the concept of the eight pillars of joy, and emphasizing mindfulness and compassion. It provides practical guidance for lasting happiness and meaning in life.

"Joy is the happiness that does not depend on what happens. It is the grateful response to the opportunity that life offers you at this moment."

This is an uplifting read, and one that I recommend wholeheartedly. The lessons, stories and friendship between these two leaders seeps from the pages.

**If you need a boost of joy this weekend you can also watch this trailer for the documentary Mission: Joy-Finding Happiness in Troubled Times that is currently available to watch on Netflix!

Key Takeaway: True joy is not dependent on external circumstances but rather on our inner response to life's opportunities and challenges.



Tactic to Try: The 75 Hard Challenge

Last year, I boldly embarked on not one, but two rounds of 75 Hard – because clearly, I have an insatiable craving for a challenge. The first round stretched from May 5th to July 31st, and the second from October 17th to December 31st. I initially took on this challenge to shake up my stagnant and unproductive life. I was feeling unhappy, unfulfilled, juggling too many pointless tasks, and my health had taken a nosedive with unhealthy habits like raiding my kid's goldfish stash, a sugar addiction, and daily "unwinding" with alcohol. I felt like I wasn't in control of my life.

After 87 days of dedication (with a brief detour due to a stomach bug on Day 12), I emerged feeling like renewed– almost 20 pounds lighter, sleeping like a rock, and believing I could conquer anything.

Come October, I decided to dive back in with friends to cap off 2022 on a high note. This round posed even more challenges with holiday treats and shorter, colder days, but I persevered. 2023 welcomed me with a sense of accomplishment and pride, having dedicated so much time and effort to the journey. It was truly life changing, and I was different because of it. I had become someone I was truly proud of.

So what is 75 Hard?

75 Hard, the brainchild of entrepreneur and author Andy Frisella, has garnered immense popularity for good reason. This robust self-improvement program unfolds over a demanding 75-day period, with a primary goal of nurturing discipline and forging unyielding mental toughness. You can visit his website to read more about it. He also dives into it on his podcast in episode

Widely acknowledged as an exacting mental and physical crucible, 75 Hard relentlessly tests the limits of participants. Its primary objective is to assist individuals in not only cultivating positive habits but also breaking through formidable mental barriers. The program's stringent requirements and the unrelenting 75-day duration render it a challenging endeavor. Remarkably, scientific insights inform us that, on average, it takes around 66 days for a habit to ingrain itself into our daily routines. Therefore, 75 Hard serves as a powerful catalyst in cementing these newfound habits, ensuring they become an enduring part of one's journey toward self-improvement.

Individuals pursue 75 Hard for various reasons, such as building discipline, forming positive habits, enhancing fitness, boosting confidence, addressing weight and health goals, overcoming mental barriers, fostering self-improvement, setting and achieving goals, and relieving stress through exercise and reading.

For me, it was proving to myself I could be disciplined and unyielding in pursuit of my goals. No more excuses. No more saying "I'll start that tomorrow" every single day.

It's important to note that 75 Hard is not for everyone, and it can be a very challenging program to complete due to its strict requirements. It requires commitment, dedication, planning, and the ability to persevere through adversity. Some individuals may find the experience transformative, while others may find it too demanding or unnecessary for their personal goals.

Before starting the program, it's advisable to consider your own motivations and consult with a healthcare professional to ensure that it aligns with your physical and mental well-being.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Two Workouts per Day: Participants are required to complete two separate 45-minute workouts each day. One of these workouts has to be outdoors, regardless of the weather. Workouts cannot be back to back for 1.5 hours.
  2. Healthy Diet: You must follow a strict diet with no cheat meals or alcohol. The diet is not specified, but it generally encourages clean eating and drinking plenty of water.
  3. Read 10 Pages: You need to read at least 10 pages of a personal development or self-help book each day.
  4. Take a Progress Photo: Every day, you should take a progress photo to track your physical changes over time.
  5. Drink a Gallon of Water: Drinking a gallon of water daily is part of the program to ensure you stay adequately hydrated.
  6. No Cheat Days: There are no cheat days allowed during the 75 days. If you miss any of the tasks, you must start over from day one.

The beauty of this program lies in its adaptability to the individual.

Here's how I customized my workouts and diet to support my goals and the fulfill the requirements of the challenge:

Workouts: My outdoor exercise often involved brisk walks/hikes with my dog, occasionally spiced up with a weighted vest. I am not a runner, and running isn't required. The second workout alternated between weightlifting and rejuvenating yoga/stretching sessions. I'd typically lift for 2-3 days, followed by a "rest day" of restorative yoga when needed. Stretching/yoga kept me injury free, helped with soreness, and gave me the "active rest" I needed to maintain and finish this challenge successfully.

Diet: I usually eat fairly clean, with lean protein, and lots of fruits and veggies. However, for the challenge, I eliminated all snack foods except for popcorn, desserts, and anything with 4 grams or more of added sugar. It was eye-opening how much sugar hides in our snacks. The first few days were a bit grumpy, but then I felt less foggy and more energized.

After conquering the initial week, it became surprisingly doable. But that didn't mean I didn't struggle. There were moments when I found myself guzzling a liter of water at 9 pm or squeezing in a driveway workout at 11 pm because I hadn't planned my day effectively. I was tired, sore, and over it some days. However, those instances, though challenging, taught me so much about myself and the significance of this challenge. I refused to give up. To transform into a better version of myself, I had to become a different person, pushing past those limits and realizing what was truly important.

The point being, you can work within your diet requirements and fitness level. Even those who have never worked out before can be successful in this challenge. But if you want to become a different person, you must be willing to do different things to get there.

Bringing it Home:

75 Hard is a 75-day challenge designed to instill discipline, mental strength, and self-improvement through daily fitness, reading, and dietary tasks. It's not for everyone, but those who embrace it can undergo remarkable personal growth and enhanced well-being. If you're up for the challenge and want to finish the year strong, consider starting on Tuesday, October 17th, 2023. The program is adaptable to your preferences, helping you build positive habits and overcome mental barriers. Consistency is key, and consulting a healthcare professional before beginning is advisable.

If you're interested in this challenge and are seeking guidance, please don't hesitate to reach out. Just click 'Reply' to this email, and I'm here to provide assistance in any way I can.

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a lucky weekend! Until next week...

You got this,


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