Fortitude Fridays #49

read time: 5 mins

Today at a Glance:

  • Quote: Everything is Created Twice.
  • Question: Required vs Your Best.
  • TEDTalk: All It Takes Is 10 Mindful Minutes.
  • Framework: The 10-10-10 Rule.



Quote to Ponder:

Everything is created twice, first in the mind and then in reality.

-Robin S. Sharma (writer)

Our experience of our lives is created in our minds and in in reality.

Mastering your thoughts empowers you to influence the tangible world surrounding you, exercising the authority to shape the very core of your lived experience.



Question to Ask:

Am I willing to do what is required, not just my best, to achieve my goal?

This question was inspired by a quote from Sir Winston Churchill:

"It is not enough that we do our best; sometimes we must do what is required."

Sometimes in life, situations require more than our personal best efforts. This emphasizes the need for adaptability and a willingness to step outside our comfort zone, especially when pursuing ambitious goals.

Encouraging a mindset focused not just on personal comfort or giving our best effort, but on doing whatever it takes for the desired outcome, can lead to remarkable achievements. This approach aligns with a practical approach to challenges, emphasizing the importance of decisive and sometimes unconventional actions.

Success often demands more than personal effort alone; it requires a readiness to take bold steps when needed. True resilience and success come from a combination of giving our best and being prepared to do whatever it takes to overcome challenges.

So, if you feel you aren't making the progress you want in pursuit of your goals, ask yourself this question, and then come up with a plan of action to achieve the goal.



TedTalk to Watch:

All it Takes is 10 Mindful Minutes 

Andy Puddicombe | TED

In 2015, my introduction to the potential of meditation came from a CrossFit athlete who attributed her improved athletic performance and anxiety relief to meditation. Intrigued by her testimonial and grappling with my own anxiety from the chaotic nature of my work as a trauma nurse, I decided to explore it. The decision to join Headspace (not sponsored) turned out to be a game-changer, as Andy Puddicombe's calming voice reshaped my relationship with my thoughts of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.

Recently, I experienced a big reminder of the profound impact our thoughts have on our daily lives, which prompted me to share Andy Puddicombe's TED Talk. Despite its 11-year status, it remains remarkably relevant today.

In his uplifting talk, Puddicombe explores the critical role mindfulness plays in our hectic lives. As a former Buddhist monk and co-founder of Headspace, he underscores the transformative power of dedicating just 10 minutes daily to mindfulness, highlighting its substantial influence on overall well-being. Puddicombe explores the preventive benefits of mindfulness, such as heightened focus, clarity, and a deeper understanding of our thoughts and emotions.

Through personal anecdotes and practical tips, he inspires us to integrate mindfulness into our routines, fostering a healthier and more balanced life.

Give it a watch, it's less than 10 minutes and it might convince you of the power of just 10 mindful minutes on your mind.

Key Takeaway: Dedicating just 10 mindful minutes a day can positively impact mental well-being and bring clarity, focus, and balance to our busy lives.



The 10-10-10 Framework for Decision Making

We've all experienced the weight of decisions – the internal tug-of-war between skipping that morning workout or hitting the gym, splurging our hard-earned bonus on a luxurious vacation or saving for the future. In the millions of choices that shape our lives, the 10-10-10 framework, popularized by author and journalist Suzy Welch, unveils a powerful perspective on decision-making by prompting individuals to consider the consequences of their choices across three distinct time frames: the short term, the medium term, and the long term.

This can be determined by asking three questions:

  • What are the consequences of my decision in the next 10 minutes? For example, choosing to skip the morning workout may provide immediate relief, but it might lead to a lack of energy and productivity throughout the day.
  • What are the consequences in the next 10 months? Consider a scenario where splurging on a luxurious vacation might bring short-term happiness, but it could impact your ability to achieve financial goals over the next several months.
  • What are the consequences in the next 10 years? Envision a situation where consistently saving for the future instead of splurging on immediate desires contributes to long-term financial security and stability.

The 10-10-10 framework acts as a mental compass, guiding us to make decisions that align with our values and long-term objectives, rather than succumbing to the immediate pressures of the moment. It offers a structured approach to gain clarity, reduce impulsive choices, and ensure that decisions are in harmony with our broader life goals. In essence, this framework empowers us to navigate the complexity of decision-making with a balanced and insightful perspective.

Putting it into Action:

  • Short-Term (10 minutes): Consider the immediate impact of your decision. Ask yourself how your choice will affect your current situation and those around you in the next 10 minutes. This helps you address immediate concerns and avoid impulsive decisions that might lead to regret. For instance, choosing to respond to an email promptly instead of procrastinating can positively impact your immediate workload.
  • Medium-Term (10 months): Think about the consequences of your decision over the next 10 months. Consider how your choice might impact your short-term goals, relationships, and overall well-being. This time frame allows you to assess the midterm implications and make decisions that align with your broader objectives. For example, investing time and effort into building a skill over the next 10 months may lead to career advancement.
  • Long-Term (10 years): Envision the potential consequences of your decision a decade from now. Reflect on how your choice aligns with your long-term aspirations, values, and personal growth. This perspective helps you make decisions that contribute to your overarching life goals and avoid short-term gains that may harm your future. For instance, consistently maintaining a healthy lifestyle over the next 10 years can contribute to long-term well-being and longevity.

Bringing It Home: Applying the 10-10-10 framework as a rule for life encourages you to strike a balance between short-term satisfaction and long-term fulfillment. It helps you consider the bigger picture, producing a more thoughtful and intentional approach to decision-making. Whether it's in your career, relationships, or personal development, this framework can guide you towards choices that align with your values and contribute to your long-term happiness and success.

Thanks for reading! I hope you have a restful weekend. Until next week...

You got this,

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