Fortitude Fridays #40

read time: 6 mins

A few ideas as you head into the weekend.

Today at a Glance:

  • Quote: Invincible Summer.
  • Question: Views On the Season.
  • Articles: Friluftsliv and How to Love Winter.
  • Tactic to Try: Tips to Help You Navigate and Embrace Winter.

Quote to Ponder:

"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer."

-Albert Camus (French Philosopher)​

Even during life's harshest winters, there exists an internal warmth, hope, and strength that can be tapped into.

Embrace it, reminding yourself that your capacity for endurance and renewal is a powerful force.​

You are capable of overcoming the toughest of times.




Question For You:

How do you currently view and approach the winter season, and what thoughts or emotions come to mind when you think about the challenges and opportunities it brings?

Recognizing how you approach winter is pivotal for your well-being as it allows you to discern and navigate the unique challenges and opportunities tied to the season. Your mindset plays a crucial role in shaping thoughts, emotions, and influencing behaviors and lifestyle choices during colder months.

Understanding your winter perspective is key to setting specific goals, addressing concerns, and collaboratively shifting perspectives, fostering a more positive outlook. This imperative remains relevant whether you embrace or dislike winter.

In both scenarios, this awareness empowers you to make informed decisions, address concerns, and build resilience, ultimately contributing to improved mental and physical well-being throughout the season.

My Answer: While I genuinely enjoy winter, in challenging moments, I turn to established protocols and habits (some outlined below) as personal anchors. For instance, when I'm brushing snow off my car in 10-degree weather at 5:30 am, I remind myself to be thankful for warm boots and appreciate the beauty of a fresh snowfall. Not always easy, but an important exercise for reframing the situation.



Articles to check out:

​Outside Magazine: How to Love Winter by Blair Braverman​

​FRILUFTSLIV: the Norwegian Love For the Outdoors​

​NYT: What Scandinavians Can Teach Us About Embracing Winter by Kari Leibowitz​

While delving into coping strategies for dark winters and the impending solstice—the shortest day in the Northern Hemisphere—I came across intriguing insights into the phenomenon known as polar night.

This extended period of continuous darkness prevails near the North and South Poles, encompassing the Arctic and Antarctic Circles. Countries profoundly affected include Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Canada, the United States (Alaska), Iceland, Greenland, Denmark, and Antarctica.

What's particularly captivating is that residents of these polar night regions not only consistently rank in the top spots for the happiest countries but also wholeheartedly embrace this unique dark season. They actively seek and revel in the beauty and joy of this distinctive time—a perspective that contrasts with our common approach in the United States.

As Kari Leibowitz aptly observes in her article:

"One of the things we do a lot of in the States is bond by complaining about the winter. It’s hard to have a positive wintertime mindset when we make small talk by being negative about the winter."

These articles offer a glimpse into the practices and traditions that contribute to the well-being and happiness of those living in these areas of extended darkness, showcasing an alternative perspective that challenges the winter negativity often prevalent in our conversations.

Key Takeaway: Contrary to the often negative associations with darkness, people in regions experiencing polar nights find joy and positivity in embracing the unique beauty of an extended period of darkness.



Tactic to Try:

Ideas to Help You Navigate & Embrace Winter This Year

Winter is on our doorstep, officially beginning next week on Thursday, December 21st in the United States. As we approach the winter solstice, where the Earth's axis leans farthest from the sun, we brace ourselves for the shortest day and longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.

While some eagerly anticipate the seasonal festivities and cozy atmospheres that winter brings, others may find themselves dreading the cold discomfort, limited daylight, and practical challenges posed by snow and hazardous driving conditions. January and February often unfold as the bleakest months, once the joy and festivities of the holidays pass us by. With diminished daylight and chilly temperatures, it's easy to fall into a funk of fatigue and lack of motivation, letting good habits slip away.

When looking at our individual views of this time of year, it's no mystery that our attitudes toward winter are shaped by a mix of personal preferences and regional circumstances. Despite the inevitable long, cold, and dark days that winter brings (unless you're considering a move somewhere sunny and warm), there are ways to adjust our mindset and make the winter months not only bearable but dare I say, even enjoyable.

Here's a list of ideas to help you navigate this winter season with a healthier and happier outlook:

  1. Stay Active: While it's tempting to skip workouts when the roads are bad and the cold is uninviting, prioritizing exercise is crucial. Engaging in physical activity releases endorphins, so explore creative ways to stay active, even at home, particularly when the weather is unfavorable or going to the gym isn't feasible. Explore options like walking pads, workout videos on YouTube, or affordable exercise equipment. Make it a priority to incorporate movement into your routine, and rest assured—the only workout you'll regret is the one you didn't do.
  2. Hydrate: Winter can lead to overlooking hydration, as the usual cues of heat and thirst are absent. Nonetheless, it's crucial to stay hydrated for proper brain and body function. If cold water isn't appealing, consider alternatives like herbal teas or warm water with lemon in an insulated cup for the same hydrating benefits.
  3. Light Therapy: Combat the decrease in mood from the dreariness of gray days with light therapy. Bright white light boxes or more budget-friendly tablet lights can help boost your mood during the darker months. Start with around 20-30 minutes of exposure in the morning, preferably within the first hour after waking. The intensity of the light also matters, and it's typically recommended to use a light box with an intensity of at least 10,000 lux.
  4. Embrace Friluftsliv: Friluftsliv, prounonced "free-loofts-leev," is a Norwegian term that translates to "open-air living" or "outdoor life" in English. It is a concept that embodies a deep connection with nature and emphasizes spending time outdoors to promote physical and mental well-being. Research has shown that a minimum of 120 mins a week (less than 20 mins a day) spent outside can be associated with good health and wellbeing. Bundle up in layers, don your Yaktrax, and venture out!
  5. Invest in Quality Outdoor Gear: There's a popular Swedish saying: 'There is no bad weather, only bad clothing,' and it holds true. Equip yourself for outdoor excursions with quality footwear and outerwear. Being well-prepared ensures that the weather won't dampen your spirits, whether you're on an adventure or heading into the office. Being cold AND wet is never fun. Explore outdoor gear shops or consider second-hand options to gear up effectively.
  6. Try a New Hobby: Discovering a winter-friendly hobby adds a delightful anticipation to the colder months, especially when shared with others. Snowshoeing, pottery class, book clubs, cross-country skiing, knitting, chess, or baking to name a few. Not only do you hone new skills, but you also create a weekly source of joy.
  7. Practice Hygge: Hygge, pronounced "hoo-gah," embodies the Danish art of cultivating a cozy and comfortable atmosphere, promoting a feeling of warmth, contentment, and overall well-being. Enrich your surroundings with comforting illumination to counter the darkness, following the Scandinavian tradition of incorporating candles, fireplaces, and strings of lights. Keeping holiday lights up is not only permissible but encouraged for a joyful ambiance. Bring out warm blankets, ignite the fireplace, concoct a simmer pot, and surround yourself in comforting coziness. If you do not have a fireplace, this fireplace video is a great alternative.
  8. Eat well: During moments of low motivation or emotional strain, it's tempting to succumb to unhealthy eating habits. While the allure of high-fat or sugary foods may be strong, make a conscious effort to prioritize a diverse and nutrient-rich diet, ensuring you receive the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs. Soups and stews not only provide nourishment for your body but it can also be a delightful activity; consider experimenting with a new recipe each week. Here are 71 soup recipes from Bon Appétit to inspire you!
  9. Maintain a Sleep Schedule: Stick to a consistent sleep schedule, even when the darkness tempts you to lounge around. Maintaining a circadian rhythm stabilizes your mood. If you have trouble waking up in the dark consider using a sunrise simulator alarm clock for easier wake-ups. I've been using one since this fall, and it undeniably makes waking up in the dark easier.
  10. Vitamin D: Winter's diminished sunlight heightens the importance of vitamin D for bone health and immunity. Ensure an adequate intake through foods like fatty fish, fortified dairy, plant-based milk, eggs, and mushrooms. Consult your doctor and undergo lab tests to determine if supplementation is necessary. If supplementing, opt for a D3-K2 blend—D3 aids calcium absorption, while K2 ensures proper distribution, supporting both bone and cardiovascular health.

Bringing it Home:

Whether you're countering the gray days with one of the suggestions I shared earlier or discovering your own secret to winter enjoyment, there are many possibilities to elevate your experience this season. The essence lies in actively engaging in activities that contribute to your well-being and joy. It's perfectly natural to occasionally feel some winter weariness, even for those who typically revel in it. Should you find yourself in need of additional support, remember that seeking assistance from a medical professional is always a worthwhile option.

As winter unfolds its chilly grasp, let's collectively embark on a journey not only to endure but to genuinely appreciate and thrive in these colder months! 

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a cozy weekend! Until next week...

You got this,

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