Fortitude Fridays #10

Read Time: 5 mins

Quote To Ponder:

“If you are not in the arena getting your ass kicked on occasion, I am not interested in or open to your feedback.”

-Brené Brown

Another way to look at the negativity and criticism that can come our way when we pursue our own path of self-growth. People have their own opinions and expectations of you, but it doesn’t mean you have to receive it. Stay on your path, you got this.

Two Questions to Ask Yourself:

When you are having a good day, what is one habit that tends to be part of that day?

Can you make time for that habit today?

Identify what habits make your day a good day and then find a way to incorporate one or two of those things daily. You may find that your good days will multiply and start to outnumber the not-so-great days. Habits big and small can have a deep impact when executed with intent.

My answer: Lifting weights or walks in the woods always turns an ok or bad day into a good one.

Book To Read:

Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey

This isn’t your conventional memoir, at age 50 McConaughey went through the journals he had kept for the past 35 years to see what could be learned from them. The account of his life reflects on his upbringing in rural Texas, lessons from his travels, adventures in Hollywood and his stories about love and fatherhood. Its part memoir but also part life-guide, illustrating McConaughey’s philosophy of “catching greenlights” which is recognizing those moments when life says go and you cruise through the traffic of life to your destiny. The audiobook is fantastic, narrated by the author himself, in his iconic Texas drawl and laugh that make it feel like you are hanging out with him swapping stories over a beer.

“Me? I haven't made all A's in the art of living. But I give a damn. And I'll take an experienced C over an ignorant A any day.”

― Matthew McConaughey, Greenlights

Take away: An entertaining manual of how to find your way in the world while enjoying the process.

Tactic To Try: The “No Factor” Approach to Streamline Focus and Goal Attainment

One of the definitions of Factor is:

Factor (noun): a circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to a result or outcome.

When we think of all the things that effect how we make decisions, approach projects, and live our lives…there are SO MANY factors that come into play. However, it is easy to allow some of those things to impact our focus when they shouldn’t hold enough influence to. We subconsciously place a value on those factors ranging from least to highest, and our unique value system is a result of our experiences, relationships, obligations and responsibilities. However, what if there was a way to mentally shift our perspective to dismiss no or low value factors instantly? Thus, protecting our energy and efforts to accomplish our goals.

This is where the statement “No Factor” gains its power. I first heard of “no factor” from Jocko Willink, a former Navy SEAL and CEO of Echelon Front, he would use this term when describing the effect obstacles or situations would have in his life. The idea was he would not let minor issues have power over his locked in goal or mission. He would simply state “No Factor” and continue moving forward without a second thought. In essence, the obstacles would not factor in and the plan would remain in place.

How it works:

Very minimal set up, but requires repetition and mindfulness to make the tactic stick.

  • Step one: Notice when presented with a potential situation, event, request, email, or text may present a distraction from your goal/deadline/schedule/etc.
  • Step 2: Simply state or think “no factor” and move forward

That’s it.

The small decision to not let something factor into your day is like dropping a dollar in your willpower jar. Do that a few times an hour, and that adds up to some serious “cash” at the end of the day.

Other examples of “No Factor” moments:

  • With correct gear a planned 10-mile run won’t be stopped because of weather

Traveling and sticking to an eating plan can be accomplished by planning ahead with packed healthy snacks and researching local restaurant menus

  • Setting clear boundaries involving work and adhering to them so it doesn’t negatively impact family time
  • Turning off all alerts to eliminate distractions and allow for deep focus time for projects/work

Why this works: There is ample research supporting the power of our words and mindset affect our reality. As soon as you start training your brain to not allow minor things factor in and distract you from your goals you will be shocked at how many other areas may improve:

  • Less anxiety
  •  Boosted mood
  •  Increased focus
  • Greater resilience

The list goes on.

Focus is a superpower and it can be trained. Write NO FACTOR on a post it and stick it on a mirror or a place you will see it. Get in the habit of saying it out loud or in your head when presented with something that could shift you off course. This simple statement will start moving you in the direction you seek.

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a rejuvenating weekend!

You got this,

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