Fortitude Fridays #11

Read Time: 5 mins



Quote To Ponder:

 "The brave die never, though they sleep in dust: Their courage nerves a thousand living men." - Minot J. Savage

Courage is not confined to the present moment but can transcend time and space. Bravery and acts of courage have an enduring power that can reverberate throughout history, touching the lives of countless individuals and inspiring them to rise above their own challenges.



Question to Ask:

Who or what inspires you to be brave, and how can you use this to act courageously as needed?

This is a great question to spend time thinking about this weekend. Knowing who or what inspires you is like creating a little power up station for yourself that you can tap into in times of need. I can't begin to count how may times I have thought about certain people or imagined them giving me the words I need to hear to keep going. It has provided endless light in the darkest and most challenging times.

My answer: I am incredibly fortunate that my list is long: my father, my family, my friends, the veterans and first responders I know and worked with, my patients, the individuals I have coached, the Own The If community..I have no shortage of inspiration to give me courage to push forward when I need it most.



Book To Read:

Blaze of Light: The Inspiring True Story of Green Beret Medic Gary Beikirch, Medal of Honor Recipient by Marcus Brotherton

This is an inspiring two-part story of a Special Forces Green Beret Combat Medic, who stood with 12 other special forces troops, 400 indigenous fighters and 2,300 women and children against 10,000 enemy soldiers on April 1, 1970 at Dak Seang Camp in South Vietnam. He displayed such selflessness and courage from this battle that he was awarded the Medal of Honor. However, that is only the first part of this story, the second part dives into the PTSD, pain and struggles Beikirch endured and overcame after coming back to the United States. This is a book about bravery and heroism, but also about hope, love, healing and faith. You don’t need to be a war history enthusiast to appreciate this incredibly inspiring story.

Gary Beikirch passed away from pancreatic cancer on December 26, 2021 in his hometown of Rochester, NY.

Take Away: A great read for anyone that loves an inspiring story of overcoming incredible challenges and the life lessons along the way.

“ Battles are first fought and either won or lost in our hearts and our minds, you have to decide, what is the right thing to do?” -Gary Beikirch



Eight Ways to Pay Tribute on Memorial Day

As the daughter of a Navy Vietnam War veteran, I was taught at a very young age to hold a deep respect for our flag, our country and the soldiers protecting our nation. While gathering with family and friends this weekend, consider paying tribute to the fallen soldiers in a way that is respectful to their memory. Here are a few ideas for you:

1. Visit cemeteries and memorials: Take time to visit local cemeteries and memorials dedicated to fallen soldiers. Reflect on the sacrifices made and leave flowers or flags as a symbol of remembrance.

2. Attend memorial services: Attend or participate in Memorial Day ceremonies or services in your community. These events often include moments of silence, speeches, and the reading of names to honor and remember the fallen.

3. Display the American flag: Fly the American flag at half-staff until noon on Memorial Day, then raise it to full-staff for the remainder of the day. You can show your respect by displaying the flag prominently in your yard or on your property.

4. Moment of silence: Take a moment of silence at 3:00 p.m. local time to honor and remember the fallen. Use this time for personal reflection, prayer, or meditation.

5. Support veterans and their families: Consider donating to or volunteering with organizations that support veterans and their families. You can contribute to causes that provide assistance, resources, and support to those who have served.

6. Share their stories: Through conversation, social media, or written tributes, share stories and memories of fallen heroes with others. Help keep their memory alive and ensure their bravery and sacrifice are never forgotten.

7. Engage in acts of service: Dedicate your time and effort to a cause that aligns with their values or supports the well-being of veterans and their families. There are national and local organizations dedicated to helping veterans such as the American Legion and the Wounded Warrior Project. Check with your county and see what is available to you.

8. Participate in a tribute HERO workout: MURPH is a HERO workout that is a popular and challenging workout completed by thousands annually on Memorial Day all over the globe. This workout was named after Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, a U.S. Navy SEAL who was killed in action in Afghanistan in 2005. The workout, consisting of a 1-mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 pushups, 300 squats and finally another 1 mile run while wearing a weighted vest or body armor, is done to honor his memory and the sacrifices of all fallen military heroes. You can read about Lt. Michael Murphy and the challenge here.

 If you want to learn a little more about how red poppies became the symbol of remembrance, here is the poem that started it all.

Thanks for reading this special edition and I hope you have an extraordinary weekend!

You got this,

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