Fortitude Fridays #61

read time: 5 mins

A few ideas as you head into the weekend.

Snapshot of Today:

  • Quote: The Mind and Water.
  • Question: Moments of Peace.
  • Book: The Creative Act by Rick Rubin.
  • Tactic for Clearer Thinking: Morning Pages.

Quote to Ponder:

The mind is like water. When it's turbulent, it's difficult to see. When it's calm, everything becomes clear.

-Prasad Mahes (Entrepreneur)

​Your mind, turbulent or calm, dictates your vision.

Protect and control it fiercely.

What can I do right now to bring a sense of calm and peace into my day?

In today's fast-paced world, filled with constant demands and distractions, it's important to seek out moments of peace to safeguard our mindset. These moments allow us to recharge, refocus, and maintain our mental well-being amidst the chaos.

These moments can be simple:

-Closing your eyes and feeling the warmth of the sun on your face

-Listening to your favorite song

-Watching a cloud move across the sky

-Feeling the breeze through a window

Challenge yourself to take ownership of your emotional state and actively seek ways to improve it. Empower yourself to cultivate a more mindful and peaceful daily experience. Developing habits that enhance emotional regulation and overall well-being are key.

Create your peace.

Book to Check Out:

The Creative Act: A Way of Being

by Rick Rubin

As a producer, Rick Rubin creates a space where artists discover their true identity and artistic essence, surpassing expectations to reconnect with creativity. He believes being an artist is about your connection to the world, not just your output.

In his book, 'The Creative Act,' Rubin, known for his work with artists like the Beastie Boys and Johnny Cash, encourages everyone to embrace their creative potential as a significant responsibility, viewing creativity as a universal human endeavor.

“Creativity is not a rare ability. It is not difficult to access. Creativity is a fundamental aspect of being human. It’s our birthright. And it’s for all of us.”

While this isn't the type of book I typically gravitate towards, I enjoyed it. I listened to the Audible version, read by Rubin himself, and the production quality was incredible. It reflected the high standards I would expect from such a renowned producer.

Key Takeaway: This book distills Rubin's lifetime of experience into a Zen-like exploration of how anyone can cultivate creativity to bring moments of exhilaration and transcendence into their lives.

Tactic to Try for Clearer Thinking: Morning Pages

Are you an over-thinker? I am. It's easy for my thoughts and worries to overrun my brain and distract me from my daily objectives. A few years ago, while working at a Covid call center during the early days of the pandemic, I turned to Morning Pages to combat this.

Popularized by Julia Cameron in The Artist's Way, Morning Pages involve writing 3 pages of stream-of-consciousness, unfiltered thoughts. It's a journaling method used by creatives, athletes, and entrepreneurs to help create space for clearer thinking.

I discovered Morning Pages through Audible's recommendation for Cameron's book. After reading and putting it into practice, I found it to be a game-changer. Since I'm naturally prone to overthinking, I find it important to put my thoughts in check before they dominate my day. Morning Pages helps with this, and a side benefit is that it aids in surfacing creative ideas. Many ideas for Own The If and Fortitude Fridays have been sparked during Morning Pages sessions.

The key is to write without expectation. Whether or not something creative surfaces, the primary benefit is clearing your head of clutter and noise.

How It Works:

  • Time: Block out 20-30 minutes on your calendar.
  • Tools: Grab a pen and journal.
  • Process: Write stream-of-consciousness for three pages, or roughly 750 words. Don't stop, edit, or filter. The goal is to keep writing freely.
  • Mindset: Start without overthinking or worrying about grammar or spelling. Write whatever comes to mind, even if it seems trivial or unrelated.
  • Afterwards: After you've finished your morning pages, do not go back to read what you've written. This is a private exercise meant for your eyes only at the time of writing.

Tips for Success:

  • Be Honest and Unfiltered: Morning pages are about expressing your thoughts and feelings without judgment.
  • Structure: Don't worry about creating a masterpiece—it's about clearing your mind.
  • Consistency: The more regularly you practice, the more benefits you'll see over time.

Why It Works:

  • Clarity and Focus: Clearing out your thoughts helps you focus on what's important.
  • Creativity Boost: It can spark new ideas and solutions by freeing up mental space.
  • Emotional Release: Writing can help process emotions and reduce stress.

Admittedly, I don't do this every morning anymore. Working as a nurse and coach means my weekday mornings are often packed and start early. However, I strive to incorporate Morning Pages as often as possible to clear my mind. I've even used Morning Pages before bed as a way to brain dump my thoughts if I feel they might keep me awake.

The key is blocking out the time, committing to being honest with yourself, and creating the habit of doing it when it makes sense for you.

Bringing It Home:

If you find yourself struggling with overthinking (as I do), consider trying longhand journaling. Remember, you're not alone if you feel your head swimming with information. Incorporating healthy habits, like Morning Pages, might help you sift through the noise and improve your overall well-being. Give it a try and see how it goes. 

Thanks for reading! I hope you have a phenomenal weekend. Until next week...

You got this,


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