Fortitude Fridays #60

read time: 5 mins

A few ideas as you head into the weekend.

Snapshot of Today:

  • Quote: Change.
  • Question: Restore or Escape.
  • Article: My 7 Rules For Happiness by Scott H. Young.
  • Framework: Self-Care or Self-Indulgence.



Quote to Repeat:

Change is a process, not an event.

-Susan David (Psychologist)

Lasting change isn't a switch you flip; it's the grind and the daily push against the status quo. It's the sweat on your brow, the calluses on your hands, the relentless pursuit of something better.

Embrace the process, for in the struggle lies the strength to reshape your world, one hard-fought step at a time.



Question To Ask Yourself:

Am I engaging in activities that truly restore and replenish me, or am I merely seeking escapism or distraction?

Asking yourself whether your activities genuinely nourish and replenish you or if they're just escapism is crucial for self-awareness and growth.

It's a reminder to be brutally honest with yourself about where you're investing your time and energy. Choosing restorative activities requires courage and discipline; it means confronting discomfort and embracing challenges rather than seeking easy distractions. Hard truth; self-care is not always easy or always what you want to do.

However, true fulfillment comes from facing life head-on, not running from it. So, challenge yourself to prioritize self-care over temporary fixes, even when it's tough.

In the end, it's about honoring yourself enough to choose what truly feeds your soul, not just numbs it.

My Answer: This question caught me off guard when I took a moment to reflect. While I had arrogantly labeled my activities as healthy self-care, upon closer examination, I made an interesting discovery. There were definitely some sneaky habits that served as gateways to escapism and distraction from uncomfortable feelings or situations. Personally, this question served as a much-needed wake-up call to make a few changes and course correct.



Article to Check Out:

My 7 Rules For Happiness 

by Scott H. Young

Scott H. Young is a celebrated author and entrepreneur renowned for his mastery in self-directed learning and rapid skill acquisition.

In this personal article, he simplifies his concept of happiness, inspiring readers to reflect on their own perceptions of joy.

Though our perceptions of happiness vary, establishing personal guidelines can provide stability amidst life's changes and lead us towards lasting contentment.

I really enjoyed this short essay; it inspired me to think about creating my own rules for happiness and displaying them somewhere I can see daily. How about you?

If you end up inspired and creating your own rules for happiness and care to share, hit 'Reply" to this email. I'd love to read them!



Framework to Understand: Self-Care Vs. Self-Indulgence

In today's fast-paced world, the concept of self-care has surged to the forefront of societal consciousness. We're bombarded with messages promoting excessive spending, bottomless margaritas, and 'treat yo' self' mantras. While these indulgences can indeed be components of self-care, it's crucial to discern the fine line between genuine self-care and mere self-indulgence.

Self-care isn't always glamorous or indulgent; at times, it's about prioritizing necessary, albeit less exciting, tasks to maintain our health and stability. It means choosing sleep over late-night Netflix binges, opting for nutritious meals over fast-food convenience, investing money rather than spending it, and setting boundaries even when it feels uncomfortable.

Perhaps by embracing these self-care rituals consistently from the start, we could shield ourselves more effectively from the edge of burnout induced by indulgence. Self-care isn't solely a response to exhaustion; it's a proactive investment in our well-being, providing the fortitude needed to navigate life's challenges with grace and strength.

As the boundaries blur in this era, it's crucial to examine our attitudes towards self-care and its profound effects on our well-being. While often perceived as separate entities, self-care and self-indulgence can intertwine, necessitating an understanding of their distinctions and impact on our lives.

The research I encountered underscores the importance of self-awareness and mindfulness in distinguishing between self-care and self-indulgence. While both aim for satisfaction, self-care prioritizes holistic well-being and long-term health, with practices like exercise and mindfulness linked to better psychological well-being. In contrast, self-indulgence is usually impulsive, and it may offer short-term gratification, but often leads to negative outcomes.

Self-care varies for everyone. For some, a spa day serves as a tangible physical and mental reset, while for others, an occasional dessert helps in maintaining nutritional balance. On the flip side, some might see self-care as a grueling workout or daily cold plunging. However the key lies in considering the bigger picture and making choices that contribute to individual long-term progress, prioritizing sustainable gains over instant gratification.

In this hyperconnected world, where self-care has become commodified and commercialized, it's easy to fall into the trap of superficial indulgence disguised as genuine self-care. Social media inundates us with images of lavish vacations, extravagant meals, and luxury products, distorting the message and true essence of self-care. However, authentic self-care is not about external validation or keeping up with trends; it's about embracing practices that resonate with our individual needs and values.

So, how do we reclaim the essence of self-care in a culture that often glorifies excess and instant gratification?

Here's How:

Reflect on Your Values: Take a deep dive into your core values and priorities. What truly matters to you? Is it your physical health, mental well-being, financial stability? Align your self-care practices with these values to ensure they resonate authentically with your sense of self.

Practice Mindful Awareness: Sharpen your awareness in everyday life. Tune in to your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. Evaluate how different activities impact you and whether they genuinely replenish your spirit or merely offer temporary relief.

Set Boundaries: Forge an unyielding fortress around your well-being. Learn to decline activities or commitments that drain your energy or compromise your peace of mind. Establishing boundaries is an essential act of self-care, empowering you to safeguard your needs and conserve your resources.

Embrace Simplicity: Strip away the unnecessary layers of complexity. Self-care doesn't demand grand gestures or hefty expenses. Embrace the beauty of simplicity by engaging in activities that bring you pure joy and fulfillment, whether it's a stroll in nature, a great workout, savoring a cup of coffee, a gratitude practice, or quality time with loved ones.

Prioritize Self-Compassion: Extend the same compassion and kindness to yourself that you readily offer to others. Remember, self-care isn't selfish; it's an indispensable investment in your overall well-being. Treat yourself with the utmost care and understanding, acknowledging that you deserve nothing less.

Bringing It Home:

The line between self-care and self-indulgence can be blurry, but our mindset towards these concepts holds immense weight. In a world where boundaries are fading, we must sharpen our judgement and fortify our values. True self-care isn't merely about indulgence; it's about confronting discomfort, making tough choices, and fiercely protecting the most critical relationship we'll ever have—our relationship with ourselves.

Thanks for reading! I hope you have a terrific weekend. Until next week...

You got this,


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