Fortitude Fridays #59

read time: 5 mins

A few ideas as you head into the weekend.

Today at a Glance:

  • Quote: The Ultimate Gamble.
  • Question: To-Do or To-Don't.
  • Article: How Experts Figure What to Focus On by James Clear.
  • Framework: Leveraging Focus for Optimal Performance.

Quote To Ponder:

If you are not willing to bet on yourself, don't expect other people to bet on you.

-Shane Parrish (Author)

Believing in yourself is the ultimate gamble with the highest payoff; it's backing the one person you can always rely on to defy odds and triumph.

Self-trust isn't just fuel—it's a signal of your conviction and potential for success, crucial for garnering support and achieving greatness.

Bet on yourself; and others will see you're worth the risk.

Question To Ask Yourself:

What's on your to-do list that never gets done?

Improving productivity involves managing time effectively, maintaining focus, and cultivating motivation. Yet, emotions like fear, stress, and perfectionism can often hinder our progress.

Overcoming these hurdles requires self-compassion, mindfulness, and discovering what truly drives you. Additionally, it's essential to be honest about the importance of tasks on your to-do list. If something has lingered for months without progress, perhaps it's time to remove it.

Don't hesitate to prioritize your time and energy ruthlessly. If tasks keep lingering, try making a Frustration List and set aside time each week to tackle them head-on.

Article to Check Out:

​How Experts Figure What to Focus On​

by James Clear

It's one thing to tell ourselves to focus, but figuring out what truly deserves our attention can be a real puzzle. James Clear addresses the questions that often cross our minds:

'Of the many options in front of you, how do you know what to focus on? How do you know where to direct your energy and attention? How do you determine the one thing that you should commit to doing?'

In a short piece written by the renowned author of 'Atomic Habits,' Clear shares his insights to those questions and their impact on his personal journey towards success.

Definitely worth exploring.

Tactic to Try: Leveraging Focus for Optimal Performance

Picture it: Monday morning. You're at your desk, determined to tackle that looming project. Yet, distractions invade like unwelcome intruders: buzzing phones, demanding emails, wandering thoughts. An hour passes, and progress is minimal. Sound familiar? We've all faced this struggle—trying to focus amidst life's distractions. However, understanding our objectives can help amplify our focus.

In recent years, deep work, focused productivity, and the flow state have gained attention. While they share common ground, understanding their differences is essential for leveraging them effectively. Let's explore.

  • Deep work, coined by Cal Newport, entails fully immersing in tasks, minimizing distractions, and yielding top-notch results.
  • Focused productivity encompasses strategies like effective time management and task prioritization.
  • In contrast, the flow state is where challenge aligns with skill, fostering optimal performance and task enjoyment.

Each state triggers specific brain regions: deep work and focused productivity illuminate areas associated with attention and control, while the flow state displays a unique pattern characterized by decreased prefrontal cortex activity. This reduced activity indicates less engagement of this brain region than usual, commonly observed during relaxation, meditation, or deep focus during a flow state. While there are overlaps among these states, each offers a unique experience and requires tailored strategies for optimal achievement.

How Each Works:

Deep Work:

Best Applied: When you need to produce high-quality, focused work without distractions. Ideal for tasks like writing reports, analyzing data, coding, designing projects, or studying.


  • Set Clear Goals: Define specific, achievable objectives for your deep work sessions to maintain focus and motivation.
  • Eliminate Distractions: Minimize interruptions by silencing notifications, finding a quiet workspace, and using website blockers or apps to limit digital distractions. Try using the Grayscale Setting to reduce the temptation to look at your phone.
  • Time Blocking: Allocate dedicated blocks of time for deep work in your schedule, ensuring uninterrupted periods for focused concentration.
  • Establish Rituals: Create pre-work rituals like setting up your workspace, reviewing goals, or listening to focus-enhancing music. These rituals help you transition into deep work mode faster and engage more effectively.
  • Practice Mindfulness: Cultivate mindfulness techniques to stay present and fully engaged in the task at hand, reducing the impact of distractions and improving overall focus.

Focused Productivity:

Best Applied: When managing multiple tasks or projects and needing to prioritize effectively. Perfect for managing emails, attending meetings, completing routine tasks, or handling administrative work.


  • Prioritize Tasks: Identify high-priority tasks and tackle them first to make progress on important goals and minimize the feeling of overwhelm.
  • Break Tasks Down: Divide larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps to make them less daunting and increase productivity by focusing on one step at a time.
  • Time Management Techniques: Use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique (working in focused intervals followed by short breaks) or time blocking to structure your day and increase productivity. Need a free Pomodoro timer? We have you covered.
  • Set Deadlines: Establish realistic deadlines for tasks to create a sense of urgency and maintain momentum, helping you stay focused and on track.
  • Limit Multitasking: Avoid multitasking, as it can decrease efficiency and lead to decreased quality of work. Instead, focus on one task at a time to maximize productivity and concentration.

Flow State:

Best Applied: When aiming to optimize performance and experience enjoyment in work. Ideal for creative endeavors like writing, painting, composing music, or engaging in sports or hobbies.


  • Choose Challenging Tasks: Select tasks that match your skill level but provide a sufficient challenge to engage your full attention and trigger the flow state.
  • Create Optimal Conditions: Cultivate an environment conducive to flow by minimizing distractions, ensuring comfort, and setting up a workspace that supports deep immersion.
  • Set Clear Goals: Define clear, achievable goals for the activity to provide direction and maintain focus throughout the flow experience.
  • Fully Engage: Immerse yourself fully in the task at hand, letting go of self-consciousness and distractions to experience a sense of effortless involvement and enjoyment.
  • Find Your Flow Triggers: Identify activities, environments, or conditions that reliably trigger flow for you, whether it's listening to specific music, working at a certain time of day, or engaging in a particular type of task.

Understanding the unique benefits of each state enables you to apply them strategically, maximizing productivity, creativity, and satisfaction with your work.

Bringing It Home:

In our busy lives, achieving focus and productivity often feels like an uphill battle against distractions. Yet, within this struggle lies opportunity. Embracing deep work, focused productivity, and the flow state can unlock pathways to enhanced performance and fulfillment.

Each state offers tailored strategies, empowering intentional approaches to work and life. Remember: clarity, steadfastness, and embracing the creative process lead to success. Trust in your ability to unlock your full potential.

Thanks for reading! I hope you have an enjoyable weekend. Until next week...

You got this,

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