Fortitude Fridays #54

read time: 6 mins

A few ideas as you head into the weekend.

Today at a Glance:

  • Quote: Persistence Wins.
  • Question: Strategy or Execution.
  • Book: Discipline Is Destiny by Ryan Holiday
  • Tactic: Reducing Friction for Discipline.



Quote to Put On the Wall:

“A river cuts through a rock not because of its power but because of its persistence.”

-James N. Watkins (author)

Remaining steadfast in pursuits can erode even the most formidable obstacles.

While strength may impress momentarily, it's our enduring commitment to progress that ultimately shapes our path.



Do I need to spend more time finding a better plan or focusing my time on the plan I already have?

Does the bottleneck lie in my strategy or in my execution?

Often we change approaches instead of refining our current one because we're drawn to novelty and believe a new strategy might yield better results. Fear of failure or stagnation, coupled with external influences like advice from peers, can influence this decision.

Additionally, if our current approach has faced obstacles or produced limited success, we might think trying something new as offering a fresh start or improved chances of success. It's important to reflect on whether our current plan is adaptable to changing circumstances. While refining and optimizing our existing strategy can lead to significant improvements, if the bottleneck stems from fundamental flaws, exploring alternative strategies may be necessary.

Ultimately, the decision boils down to a balance of pragmatism and ambition, where we weigh whether the potential benefits of finding a better plan outweigh the costs in terms of time and resources.


Book to Check Out:

Discipline Is Destiny: The Power of Self-Control

by Ryan Holiday

Once again, Ryan Holiday impresses with his insights on Stoicism in 'Discipline is Destiny.' I really enjoy his writing style, as he adeptly applies Stoic principles to modern-day life. In this book, he explores the profound impact of self-discipline on our lives.

Holiday weaves captivating stories of figures like Lou Gehrig and Marcus Aurelius, demonstrating how self-mastery can truly change our lives. He balances these tales with cautionary examples like Napoleon's, reminding us of the dangers of ignoring discipline. By exploring Stoic principles such as courage and wisdom, Holiday offers practical guidance for navigating modern challenges.

'Discipline is Destiny' isn't just a book—it's a personal guide to unlocking our full potential. Without discipline, success feels out of reach, but with it, we can conquer any obstacle.


Tactic to Try: Reducing Friction to Cultivate Discipline

In the pursuit of building better habits, simplicity often holds the key. The principle is straightforward:

The easier it is to perform an action, the more likely we are able to create the flow to do it consistently.

This concept, popularized by James Clear in his book "Atomic Habits," underscores the importance of reducing friction to facilitate habit formation. By minimizing obstacles and making desired behaviors more accessible, individuals can significantly increase their chances of seamlessly integrating these habits into their daily lives.

Why This Works:

At the core of this idea lies human psychology. As creatures of habit, we are naturally drawn to actions that require minimal effort. When a behavior is made simpler and more convenient to execute, our brains perceive it as less daunting and are more inclined to engage in it repeatedly. Additionally, reducing friction eliminates the need for willpower, which is a finite resource that can be depleted over time. Instead of relying solely on motivation and self-discipline, we can leverage environmental cues and design our surroundings to support the behaviors we want to adopt.

I have found this particularly true in my own life with flossing. When floss is kept visibly near my toothbrush and within easy reach, the simple act of seeing it prompts me to floss more regularly, thus nurturing consistent dental hygiene habits.

Consider the following popular examples that illustrate how reducing friction can make habit formation easier:

  • Exercise: Having workout clothes prepared and a gym bag packed in advance lowers the barrier to starting a workout, increasing the likelihood of consistency.
  • Healthy Eating: Keeping nutritious snacks readily available and organizing the kitchen to prioritize healthy foods over unhealthy options supports maintaining a balanced diet.
  • Reading: Setting aside dedicated time and creating a conducive environment free of distractions encourages regular reading habits.
  • Productivity: Streamlining the workspace, utilizing task management tools, and minimizing interruptions enhance productivity by reducing friction in the work process.
  • Sleep: Establishing a bedtime routine and optimizing the sleep environment promote better sleep hygiene, leading to a more consistent sleep schedule.

How it Works:

Here are a few ideas for helping you to reduce friction when starting to cultivate the discipline to maintain a habit:

  1. Identify Target Habits: Clearly define the habits you want to build or change. Identify what you want to achieve and why it's important to you.
  2. Analyze Friction Points: Take a close look at your environment and routines to identify obstacles or distractions that hinder habit formation. This could include time constraints, lack of resources, or psychological barriers.
  3. Brainstorm Solutions: Develop strategies to simplify tasks, make behaviors more convenient, or eliminate obstacles. Consider creative ways to make it easier to incorporate the desired habit into your daily routine.
  4. Implement Changes Gradually: Start small by making one change at a time and gradually incorporate new habits into your routine. Focus on creating sustainable changes that you can maintain over the long term.
  5. Evaluate and Adjust: Regularly assess the effectiveness of your changes and adjust your approach as needed. Pay attention to what's working well and what isn't, and be willing to make adjustments to optimize your habit-building efforts. Remember, progress is a journey, and it's okay to adapt along the way.

Bringing it Home:

Reducing friction in habit formation is a powerful tool for personal growth and improvement. By streamlining our environments and routines, we create flow for lasting habits that align with our goals. Whether it's exercising regularly, eating healthily, or cultivating a habit of reading, the principle remains the same: simplicity nurtures consistency, and consistency nurtures success.

Thanks for reading! I hope you have a terrific weekend. Until next week...

You got this,

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