Fortitude Fridays #42

read time: 6 mins

A few ideas as you head into the weekend.

Today at a Glance:

  • Quote: Forge Destiny.
  • Question: Goal. Action. Resilience.
  • Article: How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others Who "Work Harder" by Jason Feifer.
  • Framework: No Zero Days.



Quote to Remember Daily:

"The best way to predict the future is to create it."

- Peter Drucker (management consultant)

We forge our destiny by actively creating the future.

Your power extends far beyond mere predictions or chance.



Three Questions to Ask:

What remarkable accomplishment do you plan to achieve for yourself this year?

What small step can you take TODAY to get that ball rolling?

and finally...

What practical expectations can you set to prevent burnout or the abandonment of your goal?

When we understand our goal and why we're pursuing it, we can take a step forward at any time and withstand any challenge, staying focused on the end goal.

Goal. Action. Resilience.

Hit 'REPLY' to this email (it only comes to me) and take that initial step. Share your goal along with your list of expectations. I'd love to hear from you!



Article to Check Out:

How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others Who "Work Harder" 

by Jason Feifer

Jason Feifer is an American journalist, editor, and podcast host. As the editor-in-chief of Entrepreneur magazine, he shares insights on success and satisfaction through his weekly feature, "One Thing Better." Through his work, Feifer explores ways to build a fulfilling career or company that aligns with one's passions. Additionally, he hosts the podcast "Pessimists Archive," delving into historical resistance to new ideas.

In this edition, he gives us the gentle reminder that an ordinary, uneventful life isn't always negative, and some really successful people still have normal sleep schedules.

"Stories matter — they provide frameworks for how to understand the world.
But there is a massive downside to learning through stories — because not all stories get told. The outrageous ones are told the most. As a result, we make the unusual sound usual.
Normal stories do not get told enough. But there are more of them."

A short read, but worth your time.

Key Takeaway: Embrace your everyday narrative; if fortunate, your life may be filled with extraordinary relationships, adventures, and experiences. Yet, the pillars upon which you construct your life need not be remarkable or unconventional; they can simply be mundane. That and Ludwig van Beethoven slept from 10 pm to 6 am...who knew?



Many of us often delay pursuing our goals, convincing ourselves that starting on specific days, such as 'tomorrow' or 'next week,' will enhance our effectiveness. However, it's crucial to recognize that, more often than not, this isn't the case.

The 'No Zero Days' framework challenges this misconception by emphasizing daily, small actions. It encourages progress regardless of the day or goal size, aiming to break the cycle of procrastination and foster continuous improvement.

When unforeseen events disrupt our plans—leading to missed gym sessions or fatigue hindering tasks like website building or writing—the common tendency is to surrender. After two or three days of inactivity, the inclination to abandon our pursuits becomes easier. We often justify quitting with thoughts like 'Why bother if I can't commit every day?' or 'What's the use in writing for just 5 minutes?' Many of us have succumbed to this mindset at some point in our lives, I know I have many times.

In the 'No Zero Days' context, a 'zero day' is a day with no effort toward our goals. The concept encourages avoiding such days and advocates for consistent, even small, daily actions that contribute to overall progress.

To effect real change, it's essential to ensure that every day is a non-zero day. Aim for small actions, such as reading a page, doing a push-up, or writing a sentence. Gradually build from there. If time constraints limit your reading, consider exploring audiobooks or podcasts during your commute.

Consistently making even slight progress toward your goal is crucial; any advancement, no matter how small, surpasses making no progress at all.

The 'No Zero Days' framework is a motivational concept (often attributed to a Reddit comment from ryans01) urging us to avoid days without progress toward our goals. The essence is to undertake something, no matter how small, daily—moving inch by inch closer to our objectives. It's not a license for laziness or mismanagement of time; rather, it acknowledges that life happens.

Maintaining momentum despite challenges is a superpower.

Putting it Into Action:

  1. Do something every day: The main idea is to take some action, no matter how small, toward your goals each day. This could be related to personal development, career, fitness, learning, or any other area of your life.
  2. Set realistic goals: It's important to set achievable and realistic goals, emphasizing consistency and progress, even if the steps are small. This approach helps prevent overwhelm and ensures that goals remain attainable within a daily timeframe. For instance, rather than committing to 'alternating between strength and cardio exercise every single day for at least 45 minutes,' consider a more flexible goal like 'exercise every day.' This allows for unexpected changes and ensures that even a short walk, a few push-ups, or squats can contribute to your daily progress.
  3. Celebrate small victories: Acknowledge and celebrate even the smallest achievements. This positive reinforcement can help maintain motivation and build momentum over time.
  4. Build positive habits: The "No Zero Days" framework is about creating positive habits. By consistently taking small actions, you can build habits that contribute to your long-term success.
  5. Forgive yourself: If for some reason you can't accomplish a big task or make significant progress on a particular day, it's important to forgive yourself and not be too hard on yourself. The key is to do something, even if it's small, rather than nothing at all.
  6. Don't break the chain: Recall James Clear's philosophy, which advocates continuous improvement by aiming for 1% progress each day. See how many days you can string together of consistent forward momentum, or 'no zero days' and you'll be inspired by your own progress, I promise.

Bringing it Home:

Embrace progress every day, regardless of the momentary setbacks or unexpected hurdles. The "No Zero Days" philosophy champions the power of consistent, small actions, urging us to break free from the cycle of postponement. When life throws curveballs and challenges arise, resist the temptation to surrender. Instead, celebrate the value of even the tiniest victories, building positive habits that lead to lasting success. Remember, the key is forgiving yourself on days when monumental tasks seem daunting. Every small step contributes to your journey, ensuring that each day is a non-zero day, propelling you towards your objectives. In the pursuit of your goals, it's the continuous effort that truly matters.

Thanks for reading! I hope you have a lovely weekend. Until next week...

You got this,

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