A simple 10 second neuroscience strategy to help you stay alert without caffeine or energy drinks.

Dr. Andrew Huberman, a professor at Stanford University, highlighted a unique strategy to reduce fatigue and increase alertness.  

His colleague found a relationship between the position of your eyelids and chin with feelings of tiredness.  When you are alert your eyelids are open and typically when you are tired your eyelids are closed.  This is because the neurons in your brain, depending on your level of alertness, help to keep your eyes open or closed.

Based on this research an exercise was developed that proved the relationship between eye position and tiredness.  The protocol worked to increase wakefulness.

So, the next time your tired try this exercise:

Sit in a comfortable chair, tilt your chin towards the ceiling and look up.  Stay in this position for a count of 10 to 15 seconds.  Following this drop your chin and eyes to their normal position. 

That's it!  Repeat as many times as necessary or as needed when you need to be productive but feel that fatigue creeping back in.

Check out Dr. Huberman's youtube episode where he discusses this in depth.

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