Fortitude Fridays #6

Read Time: 4 mins

Quote To Ponder:

"When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it."

-Henry Ford

Realize that challenges are a part of life, and overcoming them is what makes our lives fulfilling. Stay positive during difficult times, after all, life would be boring without challenges right?

Question For You:

If something is bothering me, will it matter in one month?

This is a great question when feeling the daily pressures of life. It's easy to feel stress deeply, but when zooming out, very few points of stress are able to stand the test of time. Once you internalize that idea, you can start to view it differently.

Article To Read:

100 Ways to Slightly Improve Your Life Without Really Trying

This article was published by The Guardian in January of 2022, it was an updated version of this list published in January of 2000! I loved reading both and seeing that much of the advice given 23 years ago still rings true.

My Favorites: Wear yellow for instant cheer, laugh shamelessly at your own jokes, don't be weird about how to stack the dishwasher

Take Away:

A great list of small actionable ideas that have stood the test of time and are applicable over a wide range of topics.

Tactic To Try: The 3-2-1 Method for Gratitude and Productivity

For a few years I wrote in a gratitude journal. Most days I would write down 3 things I was grateful for and the overall effect was that I felt happier. It’s funny looking back on it now because many of the entries were things like “coffee, charge nurse last night and no horrible traumas came in, great patient assignment, I showered, I slept 4 hours uninterrupted.” Oh, the things I was grateful for as a night shift nurse and new mom.

Fast forward to starting a business, working as a registered nurse and wellness coach, having a family/pets/home to care for…I recently felt stuck in a loop of thinking that EVERYTHING felt hard and I was not doing ANY of it well. These thoughts were not true, but it highlighted the concept that we are what we think/do and how easily we can lose perspective. I decided that I wanted to get back into the gratitude habit and I came across the Gratitude 3-2-1 Method. This method is a productivity tool that can help you reflect on your day and plan for the next one.

Admittedly, there are many different versions by many people, but this was the version that I personally find works for me.

Here's how it works:

At the end of the day grab a pen and a journal, post-it, notebook, or note app on your phone…whatever works best for you. Take a moment to reflect on your day and then start writing…

3 Things you're grateful for from the day. This could be anything from spending time with loved ones to making progress on a project.

2 Things you did well during the day. This could be anything from completing a task on time to making a positive impact on someone else.

1 Thing you want to improve or do better tomorrow. This could be anything from waking up earlier to focusing more on a particular task. 

By following this simple method, you can become more mindful of the good things in your life, celebrate your achievements, and focus on areas for improvement. Give it a try for 10 days and see how you feel. You may be surprised how a few minutes a day can change your view of your life.

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a stellar weekend!

You got this,


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